Now Days all Nepali & Foreign have Google ad-sense have so many disable so I think all below criteria are avoid for this action. After these 10 points avoid ads will be alive long lasting so All Copy right Nepali Member who not written just think any how states increase, so it is good opportunity for Google earn money idea. This is better other ads as like Advertiser, propelling, info link etc are not good but this is better so all member who have so many visitor in website or blog.

1. Your Blog Should Have Sufficient & High Quality Content.
2. Your Blog Must Have Sufficient Post.
3. Your Blog Age should be at least 6 months old.
4. Apply using Top Level Domain
5. Don’t use Copyrighted Images
6. Design & Structure
7. Ad-sense Prohibited Content
8. Create Privacy Policy, About, Contact Page.
9. Remove other Ads
10.Google Analytic and Google webmaster Account.

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